You look good, you are getting abs.

I LOVE to dance. Whenever I am dancing, I feel free and without inhibitions. Just shake it like a polaroid picture, and dance the night away. Like nobody’s watching.
Which is in fact the case when I’m doing a round my HipHopAbs again. The only trainer that makes me enjoy my work out is Shaun T. I believe we got introduced in 2013 and he never left my side. Well, he was there, more inactively then actively, because I don’t exactly work out every day. Point is: he was there and he introduced me to this routine that I didn’t hate to do.
As I’m not the kind of person who jumps out of bed to do a set of squats and push ups, I am not exactly the sporty kind. I do bike wherever I go, but that’s just routine. If you have a busy life which involves wine, beer, pasta and some delightful snacks, a regular work out is necessary.
Don’t cha
I just finished my round again and feel so liberated, good and full of energy again! Which makes me wonder: WHY don’t I do this every day? Everything that makes me feel this good, I should integrate in my life, right?
Almost every evening when I go to sleep, I say to myself: Sas, tomorrow when you wake up. Drink a glass of water, take your laptop up on the kitchentable and go work-out. If I don’t work out in the morning, I don’t feel like practicing any sports at night, so I don’t do anything. As we all know, time FLIES like mad and the last time I did a HipHopAbs work-out, was last Saturday. Ha, that technically means that I did two work-outs this week. HAH.
Now, I know that HipHopAbs shows results (if you do it right, meaning 5 times a week) and it’s fun, because I am dancing. I think the secret is that it’s the only work out with a trainer that talks NON-STOP.
Yes, you have to be able to cope with that for 30 minutes, but I obviously need that. Maybe it has to do something with the fact that I am pretty talkative myself. I only know that it works.
My 29 minute work out – the fat burning cardio one- is easily integrable in a full time office-life. every time I start and see the timer on 29:43, for a brief second I think: ugh.
But then the music plays, Shaun T starts to pump the whole thing up and before you know it, the timer is on 15 minutes and through the dancing, it’s done before you can complain.
I mean, what is there to complain about when a guy (even though, he is not exactly straight and talking through a screen) tells me that I’m amazing, I am getting abs, I am doing great?
It boosts my confidence and makes me want to go the extra mile.
Even though I could do more work-outs, I felt like doing a little shout out! From now on, I am going to stop beating myself up for the fact that I don’t work out every day. Instead, I am going to be proud of myself for every day that I DO! How’s that for a Friday.
WOOHOO! – and now, because Hiphopabs wouldn’t exist without Shaun T and catchy music, here’s today’s playlist.
In case you have any questions about this work-out, ask away in the comments!
Enjoy your day and just be proud of yourself everytime you work out.