Gosh, as soon as this song kicks in, the world stands still and I can only listen.
It might be that you have no idea which song I am talking about right now, so to clear things up: Say something loving from The XX. A super popular, yet humble song.
One of the most awful feelings in the world: when you realise that you can’t remember how it feels to have a little love in your life.
Especially, when you find out that it’s so easy to give somebody some affection. To just give someone the time of day. It doesn’t have to be an I love you right away, you don’t have to hug complete strangers (save that for your friends and loved ones).
You don’t need to do anything big.
In this fast paced life, where we all basically live for ourselves and get frustrated, mad or irritated so quickly – it actually doesn’t cost a thing to compliment somebody.
Or even less effort: just say hi, good morning or smile. Nod or smile when somebody is looking at you, instead of instantly getting into your head, thinking why did he or she look at me, what is wrong, do I have something on my face. Like I always did.
For example: I always got frustrated by the beggars at the door when I entered a bank – or people in front of the supermarket who always ask for money. Berlin has so many, so at some point I seriously just looked away if I didn’t have any cash money on me – and I always felt guilty.

So, I changed that.
I know that at the bank, it rocks their world if I give them some Bargeld (change). Then I realized, even an hello and smile, just seeing the other person, is enough. Instead of giving them the omg schon wieder dieser Penner – look, argh, now I just look people in the eye, smile followed by: sorry, I don’t have anything on me.
When I go, I look them in the eye again and wish them a nice day.
Ändere deine Perspektive
I’m sure my perspective changed, because I was also at a point in my life that it didn’t really worked out the way I had planned. It made me realize how all of us could be in their shoes. Life can work in mysterious ways and how would I feel when I am standing somewhere and people would ignore me?
Exactly, you feel like crap.
Just because people would look at me and feel uncomfortable. They know what other people think about them and that actually sucks, because we don’t know anybody’s story.
So, after you have read this and step outside: smile at the first person you see. Look them in the eye and just say hello. Even if, actually especially if, it feels awkward.
Let’s just make life and love happen a bit more.